Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Quality suppliers

Last week #EYorksHour explored the concept of providing a #goodservice which caught the attention of even more networkers as the amount of participants increased to talk about how they provide an exceptional service or gave a ‘shoutout’ to companies who regularly do that for them. 

If you missed last week, you can read our weekly roundup here: http://eyorkshour.blogspot.co.uk/2014/02/eyorkshour-18th-feb-roundup.html 

For many, providing a good service also means having quality suppliers. They are important for helping you maintain a reliable reputation, occasional discounts, loyalty and having high standards as well as being able to deliver your product, service or event. 

The relationships you build can have an extreme positive or negative impact on your business success and people prefer to do business with people they like and trust. Therefore today’s #EYorksHour theme is about #qualitysuppliers and we want to know all about yours.

What is your selection process? 
How do you know if someone is a #qualitysupplier?
Do you find yours through social media or word of mouth?

How do #qualitysuppliers benefit your business?
Have you met your best suppliers through #EYorksHour?

How do you develop a relationship with your supplier?

Join in the conversation using #EYorksHour and let us know your thoughts. If you're new, don't worry you can learn more about East Yorkshire Hour here! 

All you need to do now is have a think about your #qualitysuppliers, practise getting your examples in 141 characters, pop the kettle on at 7.45pm and tweet along with us at 8pm until 9pm

For all your #EYorksHour questions, please tweet @EYorksHour. 

Tweet you later! 

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