Saturday, 22 February 2014

#EYorksHour | 18th Feb | Roundup

After a loved up Valentine’s theme last week (read here) matching businesses with their needs and sending valentine’s tweets to others. This week we decided to step it up a notch and discuss one of the most important business elements, 'good service'. 

In which we asked participants to tell us when they have received or provided an exceptional service to their customers and clients. Either through social media communications or taking an enquiry through to competition in a seamless transition, or even giving a few top tips to others who are starting up. 

Our EYorksHour networkers got involved by sharing fantastic examples and recommendations of companies they've received #goodservice from. 

Here are a few favourites, highlighting their main factors of #goodservice:

@MaruMarket: Last Thurs we had no Tuna Steak->Solution we delivered Tuna on Fri for free. Does that count as #Goodservice#EYorksHour

@Art_LBroadbent: The #goldenrule 'The customer is always right' because without them you don't have a #business' #goodservice 

@pierce_jo: I had great service today from @BLAEastRiding registering @kickstartTYACS #personaltouchmatters #EYorksHour

@SwannAutomotiveWe provide a free collection & delivery service,we're honest & talk to our customers using non-technical jargon #EYorksHour

@faulkner_darren: Top of my list for great social media communication coupled with great service is @Sewell_Retail @ExelbyFoods @golddenchain :-)

@DaisyAppeal: @DaisyAppeal is a local charity dedicated to saving local lives through early diagnosis  #EYorksHour #goodservice 


Local charity, @DaisyAppeal shared their latest campaign of ‘rehoming abandoned bricks’ in the form of a short film. 

With a one off payment of £75 you can adopt a brick for the founders wall at the new PET-CT scanning centre that is currently being built to save lives through early diagnosis.  Click on the Daisy below to watch the video:

Speaking of local charities, there is also a new networking hour for UK wide charities called #CharityHour every Wednesday between 8pm - 9pm - So if you are a charity or are fundraising in aid of a worthy cause, then make sure you follow @CharityHourUK for updates. 

Award-winning farm shop @Drewtons based in South Cave are searching for a professional experienced Baker for their busy expanding farm shop and restaurant, serving a huge selection of fabulous food and drink that's been grown and produced right here in Yorkshire. Interested? Send them a tweet or check out:

Also, we love a giveaway and Leanne from @Art_LBroadbent is holding one this week over on her Facebook page: in celebration of new products arriving, so head over and check that out.

EYorksHour success

Last week we began to tell you about the #EYorksHour successes of businesses/ charities/ freelancers coming together and collaborating after meeting through #EYorksHour

We would love to share more stories here, so please let us know about yours!

Also, if you have a product/event/campaign that needs promoting - the best thing to do is get involved, every Tuesday between 8 - 9pm so that we can help you let all of the networkers know. 

Interesting fact:

Did you know that it was @MaruMarket’s 1st Birthday this week?

Happy Birthday from @EYorkHour!!

You can read their evolving story via this link: 

Favourite photo moments: 

@RPMSLetting Saw this and thought about the #goodservice theme for #EYorksHour

@Art_LBroadbent shared an original image based on the C.S. Lewis fantasy tale The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe

Upcoming events: 

@UKStartUpHour are launching a New Twitter networking event for UK StartUps every Thursday from 8-9pm. Add #UKStartUpHour to network, connect, share, and advise. 

@emilys_events presents Swish Shimmer and Shine on Thursday 1st May at Lazaat. For more information:  

Top contributors:

Final note: 

Do you want to promote your business/ cause / event further by being a guest in our #spotlight60 segment that is going to start in March? If you would like to be in our spotlight, then please read further information HERE and email your interest to

Thank you to everyone who participated, we look forward to tweeting you again next Tuesday between 8pm - 9pm. 

Have a fantastic weekend! :-)

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