Thursday, 27 February 2014

#EYorksHour | 25th Feb | Roundup

Following on from our #goodservice theme that we analysed last week (read here) we have kept the momentum of #EYorksHour going by introducing conversations on quality suppliers for the theme this week.

Quality suppliers are important for helping you maintain a reliable reputation, occasional discounts, loyalty and having high standards as well as being able to deliver your product, service or event. During the hour we discussed networkers selection processes and how they find good, suppliers, whilst sharing ideas about what makes them ‘high quality’. 

As usual, #EYorksHour embraced the theme and engaged with brilliant examples of their suppliers qualities and recommendations for other companies to use. 

According to our networkers, here are a few top tips:

How do you develop a relationship with your supplier?

@EastRidingMums Be clear about what you want your supplier to achieve and explain your brief thoroughly

@ChefmartynShaw It’s a two way street, being good to each other ensures more cooperation and better service all round

How do you find quality suppliers?

@EastRidingMums Word of mouth is very good but opinions do vary.

@emilys_events We like personal recommendations for #qualitysuppliers and nice people to work with. 

@S_Fleming12 I keep a look out when on social networks, ask fellow designers and family/friends. Ask for samples if you can! #EYorksHour

@Utopia_Creative We have met a few #qualitysuppliers through Twitter and #eyorkshour and we like to develop relationships through face to face meetings

@andallthingnice Word of mouth recommendations & fab packaging

@WINNERHull Word of mouth, partnership working, networking :) Word of mouth is probably the best one #qualitysuppliers

How do you know if someone is a quality supplier?

@S_Fleming12 I go a lot on recommendations for #qualitysuppliers for my products/design work. I find the better companies communicate better too.

@beerinabottle We were down in Derbyshire at the weekend to meet some brewers to make sure we have #qualitysuppliers for our beers.

@RPMSLetting Recommendation in the first instance, expertise in action, personable, reliable and prompt invoicing.

@Reinedesgouters I do a lot of research to find my wine suppliers. I like going to see them and how they work when possible. #EYorkshour

@SwannAutomotive #qualitysuppliers affect our work massively, quality of product, price, delivery time all matter #EYorksHour

@ManarInfo I go a lot on recommendation but will always try before I buy if I can!

Who are your quality suppliers?

@AngelicAngelsJo We like to use local whenever possible and would recommend @Lee_Creative (design agency) @mandymiller17 (chalk board artist)

@S_Fleming12 I would recommend @GFSmithpapers in Hull - they are reliable, personable, helpful and prompt with communication & delivery #EYorksHour

@ChefmartynShaw I use all local @raftersproduce for fruit & veg, cammish for meat & @oceanreward1 for local east coast fish and shellfish!

@Amantishop Some of our best #qualitysuppliers are local producers & artists - @CwestClaire @TheBuntingTree

@S_Fleming12 I think my recent recommendation makes me a #qualitysupplier of wedding stationary #eYorkshour :


Yesterday #EYorksHour networker @ChefmartynShaw tied the knot and during his ‘last night as a single man’ participated with #EYorksHour on Tuesday. 

Congratulations on your wedding and best wishes from #EYorksHour!

Also in this weeks highlights, @YorkshireAles have announced their collaboration with @thechillijamman and All Hallow’s Brewery to make their very own Chilli beer. Described as a lightly chillied, lightly smoky, ruby ale 'Hickory's Ghost', and is available now from Yorkshire Ales in their shop and HERE

With a recurring focal point of local businesses working together, @LouiseFTPgas shared with us the brilliant press release featured in The Hull Daily Mail about @MaruMarket - A grocery home delivery business supporting small independent shops, including #EYorksHour’s favourite @croftscakesRead the story below.

@MaruMarket is a fantastic concept and not only do they offer great produce but they also offer value for money. Be sure to check out the website: 

@EastRidingMums is part of the UK's only network of hyper-local online magazines dedicated to providing support, guidance and information for all mums in their local areas. They are offering to review child friendly businesses on their website, please take a look:

EYorksHour success:

A few weeks ago, we told you about the success of @RPMSLetting meeting @kickstartTYACS through #EYorksHour and are now supporting the charity throughout the year to raise funds for young people with cancer who deserve a kickstart!

This week @emilys_events announced how their upcoming fundraiser #SwishShimmerandShine will be supported by @whistlesballoon with a supply of balloons after meeting through #EYorksHour.

Isn’t that just brilliant? 

We would love to share more stories here, so please let us know about yours!

Interesting fact:

Did you know that if you are having trouble with your internet signal, you can sing D-I-S-C-O to the flashing lights on your router and it will instantly recover! - Okay, so that’s not entirely true but it made us giggle knowing that’s what @pierce_jo was doing at the end of #EYorksHour on Tuesday!

All together now, D-I-S-C-O ...

Favourite photo moments:  

We have a couple of adorable animal photo’s this week after we were joined by @bridlingtonpark for the first time. 

Here is the new baby Joey: 

Also Harris Hawk was too cute to be missed: 

Upcoming events: 

Tonight join @Amantishop in the opening of their new art exhibition for an evening with local artist, Pascale Oakley.  You'll be the first to see her new collection of work, while you enjoy a glass of wine. It’s free and you can find more details here:

@HullVolley are having a Showcase day on Sunday 9th March at Trinity Academy to help promote  volleyball in the area and how great would be if many of the #EYorksHour participants took a stroll on down to watch the game?! A few have already pledged their attendance, how about you? 

@emilys_events presents Swish Shimmer and Shine on Thursday 1st May at Lazaat. Follow the link for more information:  

Top contributors:

@andallthingnice | ‏@EastRidingMums | @HullVolley | ‏@DTPoffers  |
‏@kickstartTYACS | @DaisyAppeal | @ResinBond | ‏@pierce_jo | 
‏@RPMSLetting | ‏@ChefmartynShaw | ‏@BristolStMotors | ‏@ManarInfo | @GrimsbyAirlie | ‏@BeverleyHour | ‏@emilys_events | @DaisyAppeal | @S_Fleming12 | ‏@ManarInfo | @beerinabottle | ‏@HullVolley | 
@Reinedesgouters | @labelmedia | @Utopia_Creative | 
@AngelicAngelsJo | @jollysmithuk | @F1_Driver_Exp | 
@ERidingCricket | ‏@SwannAutomotive | @SlaithwaiteHour | 
@ElementSafety | @besttabletco | @Playforeless | @ShorewoodParks @musicandmymummy | @MoranaBlue | @YorkshireAles @Pollinatr | @EcoClean4Good | @LouiseFTPgas | @Krissie_Akrill | @EYtraining Purple House | ‏@WINNERHull | @whatacatch123 | @Amantishop | @weddingguideliz | @BLA East Riding | @bridlingtonpark | @Danbo | @atombeers |

Final note: 

Do you want to promote your business/ cause / event further by being a guest in our #spotlight60 segment that is going to start in March? If you would like to be in our spotlight, then please read further information HERE and email your interest to

Thank you to everyone who participated, we look forward to tweeting you again next Tuesday between 8pm - 9pm. 

Have a fantastic week! :-)

Have you subscribed to our blogs? 

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Subscribe to the #EYorksHour blog!

#EYorksHour runs every Tuesday between 8pm - 9pm and afterwards we write a roundup of the hour for the people who couldn't participate or for those who don't want to miss any part of the conversation. 

It's not just a list of tweets, we keep it concise and add a few fun elements, such as our favourite photo moments, interesting facts and upcoming events. 

Everyone who participates receives a shout out in our 'top contributors' section and those who really get involved with the theme, usually end up in the highlights. 

We've received lots of positive feedback about the weekly roundup's and therefore have found a way to deliver them straight to your email box, instead of waiting for a tweet from @EYorksHour. 

All you have to do is add your email address into the subscribe box in the sidebar >>>>
and voila

Please let us know what your thoughts are on #EYorksHour and our weekly round ups in the comments box below. 

Plus, if you would like to be in our spotlight at the beginning of #EYorksHour and have all twitter eyes on you, then please read further information here : #spotlight60

Quality suppliers

Last week #EYorksHour explored the concept of providing a #goodservice which caught the attention of even more networkers as the amount of participants increased to talk about how they provide an exceptional service or gave a ‘shoutout’ to companies who regularly do that for them. 

If you missed last week, you can read our weekly roundup here: 

For many, providing a good service also means having quality suppliers. They are important for helping you maintain a reliable reputation, occasional discounts, loyalty and having high standards as well as being able to deliver your product, service or event. 

The relationships you build can have an extreme positive or negative impact on your business success and people prefer to do business with people they like and trust. Therefore today’s #EYorksHour theme is about #qualitysuppliers and we want to know all about yours.

What is your selection process? 
How do you know if someone is a #qualitysupplier?
Do you find yours through social media or word of mouth?

How do #qualitysuppliers benefit your business?
Have you met your best suppliers through #EYorksHour?

How do you develop a relationship with your supplier?

Join in the conversation using #EYorksHour and let us know your thoughts. If you're new, don't worry you can learn more about East Yorkshire Hour here! 

All you need to do now is have a think about your #qualitysuppliers, practise getting your examples in 141 characters, pop the kettle on at 7.45pm and tweet along with us at 8pm until 9pm

For all your #EYorksHour questions, please tweet @EYorksHour. 

Tweet you later! 

Saturday, 22 February 2014

#EYorksHour | 18th Feb | Roundup

After a loved up Valentine’s theme last week (read here) matching businesses with their needs and sending valentine’s tweets to others. This week we decided to step it up a notch and discuss one of the most important business elements, 'good service'. 

In which we asked participants to tell us when they have received or provided an exceptional service to their customers and clients. Either through social media communications or taking an enquiry through to competition in a seamless transition, or even giving a few top tips to others who are starting up. 

Our EYorksHour networkers got involved by sharing fantastic examples and recommendations of companies they've received #goodservice from. 

Here are a few favourites, highlighting their main factors of #goodservice:

@MaruMarket: Last Thurs we had no Tuna Steak->Solution we delivered Tuna on Fri for free. Does that count as #Goodservice#EYorksHour

@Art_LBroadbent: The #goldenrule 'The customer is always right' because without them you don't have a #business' #goodservice 

@pierce_jo: I had great service today from @BLAEastRiding registering @kickstartTYACS #personaltouchmatters #EYorksHour

@SwannAutomotiveWe provide a free collection & delivery service,we're honest & talk to our customers using non-technical jargon #EYorksHour

@faulkner_darren: Top of my list for great social media communication coupled with great service is @Sewell_Retail @ExelbyFoods @golddenchain :-)

@DaisyAppeal: @DaisyAppeal is a local charity dedicated to saving local lives through early diagnosis  #EYorksHour #goodservice 


Local charity, @DaisyAppeal shared their latest campaign of ‘rehoming abandoned bricks’ in the form of a short film. 

With a one off payment of £75 you can adopt a brick for the founders wall at the new PET-CT scanning centre that is currently being built to save lives through early diagnosis.  Click on the Daisy below to watch the video:

Speaking of local charities, there is also a new networking hour for UK wide charities called #CharityHour every Wednesday between 8pm - 9pm - So if you are a charity or are fundraising in aid of a worthy cause, then make sure you follow @CharityHourUK for updates. 

Award-winning farm shop @Drewtons based in South Cave are searching for a professional experienced Baker for their busy expanding farm shop and restaurant, serving a huge selection of fabulous food and drink that's been grown and produced right here in Yorkshire. Interested? Send them a tweet or check out:

Also, we love a giveaway and Leanne from @Art_LBroadbent is holding one this week over on her Facebook page: in celebration of new products arriving, so head over and check that out.

EYorksHour success

Last week we began to tell you about the #EYorksHour successes of businesses/ charities/ freelancers coming together and collaborating after meeting through #EYorksHour

We would love to share more stories here, so please let us know about yours!

Also, if you have a product/event/campaign that needs promoting - the best thing to do is get involved, every Tuesday between 8 - 9pm so that we can help you let all of the networkers know. 

Interesting fact:

Did you know that it was @MaruMarket’s 1st Birthday this week?

Happy Birthday from @EYorkHour!!

You can read their evolving story via this link: 

Favourite photo moments: 

@RPMSLetting Saw this and thought about the #goodservice theme for #EYorksHour

@Art_LBroadbent shared an original image based on the C.S. Lewis fantasy tale The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe

Upcoming events: 

@UKStartUpHour are launching a New Twitter networking event for UK StartUps every Thursday from 8-9pm. Add #UKStartUpHour to network, connect, share, and advise. 

@emilys_events presents Swish Shimmer and Shine on Thursday 1st May at Lazaat. For more information:  

Top contributors:

Final note: 

Do you want to promote your business/ cause / event further by being a guest in our #spotlight60 segment that is going to start in March? If you would like to be in our spotlight, then please read further information HERE and email your interest to

Thank you to everyone who participated, we look forward to tweeting you again next Tuesday between 8pm - 9pm. 

Have a fantastic weekend! :-)

Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Good Service

Over the last couple of weeks we've covered#startups businesses, the #hiddengems of East Yorkshire and last week we were matching networkers with their business needs for #Valentines. If you missed it, then please take a look at our weekly roundup:

This week the theme is 'Good Service' and we want to hear about occasions when you've received exceptional service or how you provide#goodservice to your customers and clients. 

Have you received good communications via social media? 
Did a company look after you from enquiry to completion? 
How do you offer good service? 
What are the top tips? 
How do you know if a company are 'good'? 

Join in the conversation using #EYorksHourand let us know your thoughts. If you're new, don't worry you can learn more about East Yorkshire Hour here

Here are a few examples: 

"#Goodservice to me is about personalising the experience and understand my buying needs#EYorksHour"


"Our carpet fitting business has a three stage enquiry process which means that customers receive #goodservice from the outset #EYorksHour" 


"I believe @localcoffeehouse have#goodservice as they make me feel welcome and listened to my suggestions on cake options #EYorksHour" 

Please let us know about your #EYorksHoursuccesses like we featured in last weeks rounds up and we look forward to tweeting with you! 

So, all you need to do now is practise getting your examples in 141 characters, pop the kettle on at 7.45pm and tweet along with us at 8pm until 9pm

For all your questions, please tweet@EYorksHour. 

Tweet you later! 

Friday, 14 February 2014

#EYorksHour | 11th Feb | Roundup

On Tuesday, @EYorksHour HQ became a virtual cupid casting our bow and arrow across the twitter-sphere between 8pm and 9pm to help participants share their love for favourite local businesses and find a perfect match for their business need’s. 

Putting a twist on Valentine’s day triggered a whole host of loved up delights with tweet exchanges, match making, special offers and even good news! 


Earlier in the day, the Hull Daily Mail published two fantastic articles about local charities @KickstartTYACS and @DaisyAppeal which we couldn't resist sharing. 

As avid supporters of Kickstart, we reported their news of receiving charitable status in last week’s round up but we were extremely happy to see founder Jo Pierce smiling in this piece written by @lucy_leeson

The Daisy Appeal made an announcement in their feature about the new PET-CT scanner that they’ve funded at Castle Hill Hospital to help patients with life threatening illnesses. The scanner is the first of it’s kind in the UK and will be available to patients in April. 

You can read more here: 

Other good news of the night came from @SwannAutomotive who successfully launched their first #MotorHour on Monday with the aim to engage the UK Motor Trade with everyone, not just petrol heads. Between 9pm  - 10pm they received a great amount of interaction and their hashtag was trending too! Congratulations Swann Automotive and good luck for next week!

@emilys_events came up with a great idea for #EYorksHour participants to team up and make a sample hamper of products from local businesses to auction and raise funds for charity. @EcoClean4Good and @YorkshireAles were quick to offer a donation for the hamper (thank you), so if you would like to donate a sample, voucher or gift for the #EYorksHour charity hamper then please tweet @EYorksHour or email Lets add to our networking goodness by helping a local cause. 

Towards the end of the hour, we were joined by @Specials_ERY with their Valentines Day scam advice, which applies all year round and you can read their tips here: 

Are you a match made in EYorksHour heaven?

Part of this weeks theme was to identify a local business need and tweet it during #EYorksHour so that we could find a match together. These are the listings we were tweeted, are you a match? 

  1. @Octagon_events would love to be #matched with businesses who are looking for help with their event logistics.
  2. @gorgeouscottage are looking for more gorgeous cottages to be #matched with.
  3. @alicrompton needs to be #matched with marquee quotes
  4. @DavidStoneYorks is looking for a #match to set up a totally locally Bridlington twitter account. 
  5. @EcoClean4Good love #matching with companies who want to try a free sample of their multi-purpose cleaner
  6. @emilys_events are always looking to #match up lovely boutiques or designers to showcase at their events
  7. @RMPSLetting would like to be #matched with a company who specialise in roller black out blinds for a quote asap.
  8. @Reindesgouters are looking to #match with restaurants and bars who would like to taste their selection of French, organic wines. 

EYorksHour success

Since #EYorksHour had a re-gig three weeks ago with a new administrator, logo and background, it’s also been noticed by participants that the hour has taken a new direction and this is based around our aim to grow the network of East Yorkshire. 

We want to engage the local businesses in all of East Yorkshire’s towns and villages and hope that the participants will welcome them in doing so. Each week there is a theme designed to give everyone the same networking agenda whilst getting to know the person tweeting above or below them. 

Please use the hour to join in and get involved in the theme,  because you will be surprised at the successes, as were we this week!

  1. @RMPSLetting joined in with #EYorksHour last week and were introduced to @KickstartTYACS, from this they are now meeting to discuss how they can support the charity - which is a great Valentines match and a real success for#EYorksHour           
  2. #EYorksHour administrator @Krissie_Akrill placed an order with @HullFlorist after they were recommended the week before as a #Hiddengem and was delighted with the bouquet that was delivered to her friend. 
This shows just how worthwhile it is to get involved in the conversations and introduce others to the hour. Have you had any success after tweeting during #EYorksHour? If so, please let us know! 

Interesting fact:

Did you know that @BLAEastRiding have an app named ‘Big local app’ which is free to download and features news, info, entertainment and business listings in East Yorkshire. You can find out more and download the app here: 

Favourite photo moments: 

@LaurenCherice shared her Love birds tote bag Valentines giveaway competition. 

@SwannAutomotive asked if their new profile pic fits in with the Valentines theme? We loved it that much, it made our favourite photo moments!

@OrigamiNick was blinded by love during #EYorksHour with his latest valentines creation!

Upcoming events: 

@HCCTraining have a free family fun day event tomorrow at Craven Park Training and Enterprise Centre between 11am - 3pm. With a bouncy castle, story telling, craft activities, food stalls, giant games, puppet making and fairground rides. 

@poemspictures is hosting a book signing at @WaterStoneHull tomorrow with a compeition to encourage writing in schools.

@emilys_events presents Swish Shimmer and Shine on Thursday 1st May at Lazaat. For more information:  

Top contributors:

Final note: 

Do you want to promote your business/ cause / event further by being a guest in our #spotlight60 segment that is going to start in March? If you would like to be in our spotlight, then please read further information HERE and email your interest to

Thank you to everyone who participated, we look forward to tweeting you again next Tuesday between 8pm - 9pm

Happy Valentine's Day!
