Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Show and Tell

Hello #EYorksHour networkers. 

Welcome back to East Yorkshire Hour!

Have you noticed that last weeks round up hasn’t been posted yet? That’s because our blogspot account was hacked and we have been waiting patiently to gain access. However we don’t want to confuse anyone (in case you don’t know what the roundup is) and instead, we will post that round up with this weeks round up in a few days. 

So you will get to read two roundup’s for the price (it’s free) of one.

One of our regular networkers, @pierce_jo mentioned that now we’ve spent the last few weeks offering advice and discussing various business themed topics, it would be good to learn more about the people in the network and what they do.

Our theme for this week is #ShowandTell

The amount of people who participate in #EYorksHour has significantly increased as the weeks pass by, therefore tonight we would like you to re-introduce yourself to the group. Or if you are new to #EYorksHour, then this is prime opportunity for you to say hello. 

To participate, we want you to:

  1. Tell us about you, your business, your cause, your event, your work place or your colleagues.
  2. Show us, by sharing website links, images, testimonials, blogs or videos. 
  3. Interact with each other to build your connections and find out how you can help one another. 

We are looking forward to hearing more about you during our #ShowandTell themed #EYorksHour between 8pm and 9pm and don’t forget to use #EYorksHour in your tweets to keep up with the conversations. 

Let us know you are joining in by sharing our weekly spot picture:

Tweet you later! 

P.s If you haven't already, please complete our quick survey to have your say in how we can improve #EYorksHourhttp://ow.ly/uI4sm 

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