Tuesday, 4 November 2014


It's that time of the year where the arrival of night becomes noticeably earlier and the temperature gets a little chilly. But it also happens to be when we celebrate Halloween, Bonfire Night and the count down for Christmas begins! 

Autumn is my favourite season and therefore I wanted to find out what others love about the season too. Is it the shedding of leaves from the trees? Wrapping up warm when faced with the cold? Drinking hot chocolate with plenty of marshmallows on top? 

Or do you much prefer the sunshine? Or even the harsh contrast of Winter? 

While we are on the subject of Autumn, do you have something on offer for this fantastic season? Do you have a seasonal event coming up? Should we wrap up warm and venture into your shop for some Autumnal treats? 

Feel free to contribute with your Autumn inspired tweets between 8pm & 9pm tonight! Don't forget to use the hashtags #EYorksHour and #Autumn to keep up with the conversations. 

Tweet you later!