Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Three Degrees of Influence

This week #EYorksHour has been inspired by an anonymous participant who completed the feedback form. They suggested a Six Degrees of Separation theme to promote local followers to follow each other, which is a fantastic idea! 
However, as #EYorksHour takes place on twitter, the alternative social networking theory is the Three Degrees of Influence. 
It is believed that social influence doesn't stop at the people we are directly tied to, we also influence friends of friends, which in turn, means that our actions also influence people we have never met. 
Our social media influence ripples through our network having an impact on our friends (one degree), our friends’ friends (two degrees), and even our friends’ friends’ friends (three degrees). Therefore, tonight we are asking you to participate in the #EYorksHour version of Three Degrees of Influence by tweeting us with your social ties. 

  1. A friend (degree one)
  2. A friend of a friend (degree two)
  3. The last person to follow you on twitter, who you have never met (degree three)
For example:
My #EYorksHour #threedegrees are @Krissie_Akrill (degree one) @pierce_jo (degree two) and (degree three) what's yours?

Networkers will have the opportunity to compare their local contacts and of course, follow each other. Don’t forget to use #EYorksHour and #threedegrees in your tweets to keep up with the conversation between 8pm - 9pm

Last week we went Easter crazy with an #eggcellent theme that sent our networkers into a pun frenzy! Have a read of the weekly #roundup here: http://eyorkshour.blogspot.co.uk/2014/04/eyorkshour-15th-april-roundup.html

Help us to grow #EYorksHour and share this weeks spot with your followers too:

#EYorksHour | 15th April | Roundup


For Easter week, there’s nothing better than an #eggcellent theme to give networkers the opportunity to let loose and have some festive fun.  
We weren’t yoking around, when we simply asked what or who they found#eggcellent at the moment?

If you missed last weeks #EYorksHour, we discussed #Innovation and you can check out the #roundup here: t.co.uk/2014/04/eyorkshour-8th-april-roundup.html

How about a shout out to the #EYorksHour people who you find are #eggcellent?

@Drewtons : You’ll this new idea for an easy peasy manageable garden!! @BespokeGrass ... Who would have guessed?!

@beerinabottle : @RPMSLetting and @DMP_Surveying have been fantastic neighbours with helpful advice this past couple of weeks. #eggcellent

@theacorngallery : You guys @EYorksHour need to meet the lovely @MormorJan She does #eggcellent greetings cards! #littleacorns

@theacorngallery : don't need a creative link with this chap - he does it all himself... Meet Darryn #Eggleton :) #EYorksHour http://www.theacorngallery.co.uk/a1-gallery3.asp?roomID=5514&pictureID=47020 

Then @RPMSLetting pipped everyone to the post with their #eggcellent shout outs!! 
During the hour, they gave a special mention to: @kitekidsuk @Amantishop @MaruMarket @beerinabottle @DMP_Surveying @LouiseFTPgas @Murrayhills @SwannAutomotive  @whistlesballoon @alicrompton@thebrinknet @pierce_jo @emilys_events @kickstartTYACS @BlogYourWorld - Isn’t that just fantastic! Thank you for recommending lots of local contacts, you superstar networker!

What is #eggcellent about you or your business?

@ManarInfo : #eggsellent training available to outyolk your competitors  #funding available  #EYorksHour

@Vintage_Country : We are #eggcellent at upcycling and renovating #vintage furniture & we hold #paintedfurniture classes pic.twitter.com/OCfW3d7P9U

@theacorngallery : If your looking for #eggcellent #art  and customer service then give us a try :-)  #EYorksHour #littleacorns

As you can see from above, we were overwhelmed by the effort networkers made to create #Easter tweets! There wasn't an ‘official’ competition, however @Murrayhills rose to the challenge and here are a few gems: 

@Murrayhills : oooo does this mean we have to boil up some more egghilarating puns? 

@Murrayhills : I’m sure we can get more sunny sided puns in

@Murrayhills : Don’t want anyone to poach my best yolks 

@Murrayhills : It's all because your egging me on #EYorksHour

@Murrayhills : We pride ourselves on our eggcellent customer service & strive to eggceed our clients expectations #EYorksHour

@Murrayhills : We didn't want to make you hopping mad that we had not tried #EYorksHour

Well done Murray Hills, you have won this picture of an Easter pug! Enjoy :-)



During the hour, @ManarInfo gave us an exclusive look at their new promotional video made by @ORBiSLimited - Let them know what you think and if you would like one for your business, then be sure to contact John Hughes. 

@theacorngallery also shared their story about opening an art gallery, which you can have a read through here:http://www.theacorngallery.co.uk/a1-gallery2.asp?roomID=4185

Plus our resident Chef from The Dining Room, @ChefmartynShaw gave explained that they are now taking bookings for their new venture, first night available is Saturday 2nd May! 

@wearetheatre stopped by for the first time to introduce us to their inclusive youth theatre, which opens on 6th May in #bridlington for kids with/without disabilities. The team are trying to expand the vision of theatre and enhance a bit of the world. For more information, please visit: wearetheatre.co.uk


Interesting fact:

Did you know that @kickstartTYACS help 16-24 year olds with cancer in East Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire. Because young people, not cancer, should be in control of their lives. They want to help them achieve that with a kickstart! For more information, please visit: kickstartcancersupport.com

Photo moments:

The top photo moments of the #EYorksHour:


Top Contributors: 

@RPMSLetting | @bridlingtonpark | @SwannAutomotive | @ManarInfo | @ORBiSLimited |@Murrayhills | @learningplaces1 | @alicrompton | @YorkshireAles | @beerinabottle | @hull_libraries | @AmeliasChocolat | @WetherbyChase | @PassmoreGroup | ‏@penelopepayroll | In @InAndNear | @MoonlightBedrms | @SynergizeLtd | @AlexSCESols | ‏@FutureRooms | @EcoClean4Good | @Vintage_Country | @hokeypokeycraft | @ChefmartynShaw | @raftersproduce | @theacorngallery | @ImageFlood1 | @KevinWerner82 | @Lets_tumble | ‏@Utopia_Creative | @royalhotelbrid | @LuddendenVWines | @CISMadeEasy | @MormorJan | @floodtech1 | ‏@weddingguideliz | @wearetheatre | @wordsoflove_14 | @APFundingPortal | ‏@couplandc | @YorkRouleurs | @Eastridingmedia | @BCRC_News |


Final note: 

Huge apologies that the roundup has been posted so late again! We have had internet troubles at #EYorksHour HQ!

Thank you to everyone who participated, we look forward to tweeting you again TONIGHT between 8pm - 9pm. Our theme is #threedegrees, please read the guidelines here: http://eyorkshour.blogspot.co.uk/2014/04/three-degrees-of-influence.html

If you haven't already, please complete our quick survey to have your say in how we can improve #EYorksHour

Tweet you later! 

Tuesday, 15 April 2014


Last week during #EYorksHour we talked about #Innovation and how our networkers use their creative flow to develop services or products and events. It gave us a great insight into the importance of staying ahead of the game and participants led some brilliant conversations, which you can read the roundup of here: http://eyorkshour.blogspot.co.uk/2014/04/eyorkshour-8th-april-roundup.html

But, as it is the Easter holidays with many places to visit, people to connect with, chocolate eggs to eat and bonnets to wear. This Tuesday evening we are going to let loose and have some festive fun. Instead of discussing a specific business focused theme for #EYorksHour, we want to know what or who you find #eggcellent at the moment? 

Have you made an #eggcellent choice of places to visit with the children this Easter?
Do you have some #eggcellent news to share?
How about a shout out to #EYorksHour people who you find are #eggcellent?
What is #eggcellent about you or your business?
Are you an #eggcellent egg hunter?

We are not yolking, this really is tonights theme!

Lets have tons of fun networking with each other and try to make your wording Easter themed too. Don’t forget to use #EYorksHour and #eggcellent in your tweets to keep up with the conversation between 8pm - 9pm

Help us to grow #EggYolksHour (couldn’t resist) and share this weeks spot with your followers too:

Tweet you later! 

#EYorksHour | 8th April | Roundup


Innovation requires breaking down the old rules of thought and creating new ones. This roundup brings you an insight into how our networkers benefit from #innovation and their methods as discussed during last Tuesday’s #EYorksHour. 

Running your own company can mean its really hard to keep innovating especially if you get into an operational mindset where you’re just doing the job. Therefore we put a series of questions to #EYorksHour and here are a selection of their responses: 

Where do you find inspiration #EYorksHour and do you have time for creativity?

@SwannAutomotive : Sometimes we have to be innovative quite a lot, esp. when it comes to new technologies/equipment.research is key!

@AsselbyHandyman : Creating new things is what keeps me going. Turning sketches into useful objects is what it's all about.

How do you keep your company innovating? Is it something you don't think about?

@KerbEdge : We have #innovative food but also #innovative with our #service and #style

@SwannAutomotive : We attend training courses for new diagnostic tools, use motor journals/press for news, mechanical data packages  

@floodtech1: Everyday is a school day to us, new & exciting  #floodaware #innovation

@Murrayhills : We are trying to think 'out of the box' to promote our business&make Murray Hills the first name you think of

@helloATeam : We #innovate in everything we do and aim to provide #Apprenticeship candidates with something completely different and exciting! #eyorkshour

Do you collaborate with others to generate new services? or to bring current ones up-to-date?

 @BoutiqueBandBs: We’re an East Yorkshire-based business and we're looking for boutique-style accommodation in the local area.

@Murrayhills : We are looking to promote our services in local care homes,events,with businesses.

@emilys_events : Check out some local people who will be at #swishshimmershine including @harpersbizarres @oswellnrose @jessicajo_uk #EYorksHour

@emilys_events: More #swishshimmershine great people @croftscakes @GelishInHull @loushepherdmua @Camdenscloset - 1st May for @kickstartTYACS 

Does an innovative approach benefit your business? Do you like to keep ahead of the trends? 

@BoutiqueBandBs We carefully handpick properties and feel that's what sets us apart. Our commitment to quality is our USP. 

@KerbEdge : Its not about being ahead of the trends more about creating the trend

@TheBeaconHull : Take pride in your office's appearance: it communicates your business's brand values. http://thebeaconhull.co.uk 


Elsewhere in East Yorkshire, our charity of the Year @kickstartTYACS have been busy sharing a local job opportunity on behalf of @TeenageCancer - who are offering the chance to make a difference, with great people http://ow.ly/vtOBr 

@Murrayhills announced a fun competition that @bridlingtonpark are running to name a baby Meerkat! To enter for free, fill in a form at @Murrayhills reception or directly at Bridlington Park. The winner gets to name a baby meerkat and can also win Meerkat experience at the park!

@helloATeam participated in #EYorksHour for the first time on Tuesday *newbie alert* to promote their new website http://apprenticeshipteam.co.uk full of local #apprenticeship vacancies. Please make them feel welcome and if you can offer an opportunity or two, then please get in touch with the team. 

Interesting fact:

Did you know that Hull City Council has announced that is it to close the Hands on History Museum to save money? @shanedgj is asking for 3000 volunteers to sign the petition to keep it from closing. Please visit: http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/save-the-hands-on-history-museum-in-hull to join the appeal. 

Photo moments:

@AsselbyHandyman also joined in with #EYorksHour for the first time on Tuesday *newbie alert* and he shared some lovely herb wheels that he made with his bare hands (or with a few tools). 

@ERBLodges : Inspired us with a snapshot of their bespoke Lodges. Talk about Innovative!

Shared their favourite lolly design of the day!


Top Contributors: 

@Murrayhills | @BoutiqueBandBs | @alicrompton | @SwannAutomotive | @kickstartTYACS | @KerbEdge | ‏@emilys_events | @AsselbyHandyman | @JessicaBurwell | @EYtraining | @helloATeam | @ERBLodges | @AmeliasChocolat | @realDriffield | ‏@fernsfarmhotel | @APFundingPortal | @CarlCharles | @CanterburyCare | ‏2@_Way_Radios | @akaricare | ‏@TheBeaconHull | ‏@EvergreenBody | @Golf4a | @ParaArmyParties | ‏@TinyFeetHampers | @weddingguideliz | 


Final note: 

Huge apologies that the roundup has been posted so late! Its been a super crazy week for our administrator. 

Thank you to everyone who participated, we look forward to tweeting you again TONIGHT between 8pm - 9pm. 

If you haven't already, please complete our quick survey to have your say in how we can improve #EYorksHour

Tweet you later! 

Tuesday, 8 April 2014


"An innovative climate cultivates engagement and enthusiasm, challenges people to take risks within a safe environment, fosters learning, and encourages independent thinking.” - sounds good right? It is the inspiration behind our theme of discussion this week. 

As an observer of #EYorksHour it’s noticeable that our networkers spend time encouraging each other, helping with new ideas, introducing possible connections and discussing ideas. Which leads to the thought that we are quite a creative bunch! 

Therefore, this week lets find out how #innovative you are! Innovation requires breaking down the old rules of thought and creating new ones. Running your own company can mean its really hard to keep innovating especially if you get into an operational mindset where you’re just doing the job. 

How do you keep your own company innovating?
Do you collaborate with others to generate new services?
Where do you find inspiration and do they have time for creativity?
Does an innovative approach benefit your business?
How do you remain current and ahead of the trends? 
Is there just one area that you incorporate creativity? 

Join us tonight and let us have an insight into your creative flow - what works for one company, might not work for another but we might even inspire a few people to bring their services up to date or even come up with an innovative way to engage customers. 

We are looking forward to tweeting you between 8pm and 9pm and don’t forget to use #EYorksHour and #innovate in your tweets to keep up with the conversations. 

If you missed last weeks #EYorksHour, we had encouraged you to #dontbeafool and take advantage of the many East Yorkshire Delights: http://eyorkshour.blogspot.co.uk/2014/04/eyorkshour-1st-april-roundup.html

Tweet you later! 

Sunday, 6 April 2014

#EYorksHour | 1st April | Roundup


#EYorksHour put a spin on the old custom of #AprilFoolsDay this week by giving networkers a helping hand on how not to be a fool. We invited people to share their latest offers, funding opportunities, courses and events in the hope that others would take advantage of the tweeted delights.

#Dontbeafool was a successful theme and participants enjoyed sharing their contributions. We have picked out a selection below. But first, did you read last weeks #roundup? Our theme was #ShowandTell and if you want to know more about the #EYorksHour networkers, please take a look here:  http://ow.ly/vuar8 

Dont be a fool: 

Do you have an exciting event coming up that we can't possible miss?

@emilys_events : We do! #swishshimmershine on 1st May for @kickstartTYACS  - pamper, shopping, fun #nofooling

@NLDrama : We provide weekly drama and performance classes for children, young people & adults. #DontBeAFool please email northernlightsdrama@gmail.com or call Hannah on 07815794331. You can also find us on Facebook.

@pierce_jo : Another #EYorksHour date - wine tasting and art evening 16th April at @cottinghamparks with @ArtmarketUK contact @cottinghamparks for info

 @AmeliasChocolat : Anyone need something to do with the Kids in half term? 

@Eastridingmedia : We still have places on our BTEC Award in Social Networking for Business evening class. Starts next Tues 6pm

@hull_libraries : April 19th Easter Craft Fair & Book Sale! 

@hull_libraries : Giant Killers - a show for children of all ages including storytelling and singing. Friday 25 April 

@hull_libraries: For @WorldBookNight - Gavin Extence author of "The Universe vs Alex Woods" Hull Central 23/4/14 7pm.

Do you offer a service that doesn't cost a penny? Do you have funding available?

@MaruMarket : Does @EYorkshour know that you can Get Cask Ale from @chequersmicro delivered to your door -Read more click here >  http://ow.ly/vhu5s 

@ManarInfo : Funding and support available for businesses wanting to invest in staff training and development #DontBeAFool #EYorksHour

@kickstartTYACS We have funding available for 16-24 year olds with cancer who need a #kickstart - application form on our website www.kickstartcancersupport.com 

@GAPTrainingLtd : Retail qualifications available to SME's in Yorkshire thanks to ESF funding, contact @GAPTrainingLtd #EYorksHour

Tell us about your latest #EYorksHour discounts or competitions

@CandGstudios :250 400gsm business cards designed, printed and delivered for £69.

@SwannAutomotive : Our sales cars come with a 2 year warranty & 12month AA breakdown cover* http://www.swannautomotive.co.uk  #DontBeAFool

@whatson4meyorks : WIN tickets to @DoncasterCAMRA #BeerFestival http://www.whatson4me.co.uk/competitions/doncaster-beer-festival-2014.asp  

@akaricare : Follow and RT us for the chance to win £50 Marks & Spencer vouchers. T&Cs apply: http://ow.ly/vdFfd  

@ParaArmyParties : Contact @ParaArmyParties for Parties offer 15% discount.

@RPMSLetting : Any new #landlords using our services can claim a free Gas Safety Certificate or EPC during April 2014 when quoting #DontBeAFool


One of the main highlights this week came from @bridlingtonpark as Clare shared a few precious pictures of the new born baby Meerkats (below) and also took a moment to thank @Murrayhills for kindly sponsoring a meerkat! Unfortunately the rescued meerkats have been rejected by their mum and this is why sponsorship is needed.  If you would like to help with their feed and future home costs too, then please email: clare@bridlingtonanimalpark.co.uk

Read more from @Murrayhills : http://murrayhillsbridlington.blogspot.co.uk

Watch Karl and Clare talking about the meerkats in @hulldailymail's story: http://ow.ly/vujSM 

Interesting fact:

@ChefmartynShaw from The Dining Room spilled the beans (not in his restaurant - hehe) on some big news! As of May, he is expanding and becoming a publican, with a new venture located in Nafferton, near Driffield. Please keep an eye out for more details about his new pub and Congratulations for all of the #EYorksHour networkers. 

Photo moments:

This week #EYorsHour was given another exclusive from @bridlingtonpark as they shared pictures of the new born meerkats. Aren’t they just adorable?


Upcoming events:

@Eastridingmedia are holding an evening class on 8th April to train for a BTEC Award in Social Networking for Business. 

On Wednesday 16th April @cottinghamparks are teaming up with @ArtmarketUK for a Wine Tasting and Art Display. Contact @cottinghamparks for further info.

@hull_libraries : Have an Easter Craft Fair & Book Sale on April 19th

@hull_libraries : Giant Killers - a show for children of all ages including storytelling and singing. Friday 25 April 

@hull_libraries: For @WorldBookNight - Gavin Extence author of "The Universe vs Alex Woods" Hull Central 23/4/14 7pm.

@emilys_events presents Swish Shimmer and Shine on Thursday 1st May at Lazaat. Buy your tickets and further information:https://www.facebook.com/EmilysCharityEvents  

Tickets are now on sale for @bridlingtonpark’s family fun day on 25th May, all to raise funds for their rescued animals. 

@WetherbyChase is a charity obstacle run on 7th June. For details please visit: http://www.wetherbypeoplechase.co.uk  

Top Contributors: 

@SwannAutomotive @TaheraMayat @bridlingtonpark @learningplaces1 ‏@CrzGTDan89  @pierce_jo  @emilys_events @EYtraining @RPMSLetting @Murrayhills @GrimsbyAirlie |@ParaArmyParties @hull_libraries @MaruMarket @ManarInfo @NLDrama ‏@LittleRedOwlCo @CollegiateTrust @CandGstudios @MacaroonmanHull ‏@EcoClean4Good @mattjansensings @MoranaBlue ‏@Twisted_Chilli @kickstartTYACS ‏@100dayapps ‏@AmeliasChocolat @ManorFarmBeef @APFundingPortal @CarlCharles ‏@GAPTrainingLtd @SimplyGhostStu @Utopia_Creative |  @CISMadeEasy @BeyondThePast1 ‏@ResinBond |
@PopUpSolution @akaricare @Kev_Shannon @ChefmartynShaw ‏@weddingguideliz @weareability @whatson4meyorks @EtherleighBB @weareability @Eastridingmedia 

Spoiler Alert: 

Next weeks #EYorksHour theme is about.. Innovation! - The guidelines and hashtag will follow soon.


Final note: 

Thank you to everyone who participated, we look forward to tweeting you again on Tuesday 8th April between 8pm - 9pm. 

If you haven't already, please complete our quick survey to have your say in how we can improve #EYorksHour

Tweet you later!